Athlete of the Year – Nicholaus Stokes

CONGRATULATIONS to Nicholaus Stokes from St. John Paul II Catholic High School.
He was named the TOC Sports/ Huntsville Hospital Sports Center 2020-2021 Athlete of the Year Scholarship Winner!

Nicholaus has been awarded a $1,000 scholarship to use for future schooling.
Please congratulate Nicholaus and all our Athlete of the Year candidates on an amazing school year!

Nicholaus Stokes

Nicholaus Stokes

St. John Paul II Catholic High School

Football / Wrestling / Basketball / Track & Field

4.16 GPA


– 2-Year Varsity Football Letterman & Team Captain / 3-Year Varsity Basketball Letterman / Varsity Wrestling / Mtn. Bike Team

– National Honors Society / Boys State Candidate / Honors & AP Courses / Rotary Youth Leadership Award / Student Council

– Volunteer Community Service (178 Total Hours) / Basketball Junior Coach / Green Team Volunteer / School Volunteer